Bonjour à tous,

Encore une fois un grand merci à tous ceux qui me suivent sur ce site ou sur les réseaux sociaux. Vos encouragements m’ont conduit à mes premières expositions et à lancer « ».

Ce site, qu’à votre écoute je m’efforce d’améliorer.

Les remerciements maintenant terminés… 😉   Je peux enfin … vous annoncer ma prochaine exposition « Wild Wild West » qui aura lieu à la Librairie Arthaud à Grenoble. Cette exposition sera présentée avec de nouvelles photos spectaculaires que je découvre encore aujourd’hui, dans les dizaines de milliers de clichés ramenés d’Amérique du Nord.

Le vernissage aura lieu le 10 septembre 2016, 17h00 à la Librairie Arthaud.

Je vous attends nombreux et de pied ferme pour certains ou certaines …

Pour tous ceux qui auraient à braver les océans ou traverser des terres hostiles, je ne serai pas aussi impitoyable … 😉 Nous continuerons nos échanges ici-même ou sur les réseaux sociaux.

A bientôt !




Hi everybody,

Again, I would like to thank you all for following me on this website or on social networks. Your encouragement has led me to my first exhibit and launch of « ».

I will strive to improve this site according to your comments.

Now that I’m done with my thanks… 😉 , I can finally announce my next exhibition, « Wild Wild West », at the Library Arthaud in Grenoble – France. This event will be presented with new spectacular photos that I am still discovering today, among the tens of thousands of photographs brought back from North America.

The opening will take place at Library Arthaud, September 10th 5PM.

I expect to see many of you and will wait resolutely for some of you … 😉

For those who would have to brave oceans or hostile lands, I will not be as ruthless … 😉 We will continue our discussions right here or on social networks.

See you soon !


Please sign my guestbook



















Hi, Welcome to my first post on my new website.

Who I am ? When did I start photography ? Why ?

My name is Eric Lombardi. I’m a Frenchman who “surprisingly or not…” lives in France, in the Alps,  at a spitting distance from Grenoble. Photography has been my passion for many, many years … unfortunately… 🙂

My love of adventure and travel has always been with my photography. I can’t imagine exploring the world without my camera. A photograph is or should be always the intimate expression of the photographer’s personality. I also have always believed that every picture speaks a special message according to the viewer. That’s what I strive to share through my collections.

And… mmm… Oh Yes !!!  I take the opportunity of this first fresh post to also inaugurate my new and first exhibit “ Wild Wild West”. I assume most of you guys will probably not come to France to celebrate it, chatting over a glass of champagne… Too bad 🙂

I hope you enjoy my shots anyway, as I continue to add to these collections.

PS: First website, first exhibit, first post. It seems everything around is new…except maybe me 🙂

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